Skin Conditions

Your skin is your largest organ. So you want to make sure that you're looking after it, as much as it's looking after you. Rashes, bumps, lumps, and marks come and go, often only lasting up to a week. But if you've noticed anything out of the ordinary, it's always worth getting seen to by a healthcare professional. Below is some information about skin conditions that your pharmacist may be able to help with.

Shingles on the back


Eczema is one of those conditions that is simply a nuisance. It can ruin a day out as much as it can put a damper on a quiet night in. It's just an itch that won't quit! Luckily, there are ways to ditch that itch.

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Ah, acne – it's like an unwelcome guest that never seems to leave, showing up uninvited at the most inconvenient times. If you've ever dealt with those pesky pimples, you're not alone. In fact, acne is a common skin issue that plagues many teenagers and even continues to linger into adulthood for some. 

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Impetigo is a nuisance and can look rather intimidating, but the good news is it’s not usually a serious infection. You'll notice red sores popping up around your face and hands that can be itchy and uncomfortable.

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Before you go thinking this has anything to do with actual worms, let's make it clear… ringworm isn't caused by worms at all. It's actually a common fungal infection that can affect the skin, scalp, or nails, leaving behind unwelcomed, telltale red, circular rashes.

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Warts and Verrucas

Warts and verrucas are annoying little rough lumps that can pop up on your hands and feet. They're caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and can easily be passed on through contaminated surfaces or close skin contact.

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Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is a viral infection that can cause a painful rash, often accompanied by blisters.

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Dry Skin

Dry skin can be so frustrating, leaving you with that uncomfortable, tight feeling and maybe even some flakiness.

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Intertrigo is an inflammatory skin condition that commonly occurs in skin folds due to factors like friction, moisture, and heat.

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Scabies is a pesky skin condition caused by tiny mites that burrow into the skin, leaving you feeling incredibly itchy and, quite frankly, miserable. 

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Athlete's Foot

Are you dealing with itching, burning, and peeling on your feet? If so, it sounds like you might have athlete's foot, a nasty but common fungal infection that affects the skin on your feet.

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Despite common belief, cellulitis isn't something you get from forgetting to lotion up, nor is it some secret form of cellulite. Cellulitis is actually a common skin infection that can come knocking on anyone's door, causing redness, swelling, and discomfort.

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