Ringworm... A Simple Guide

Let's talk about a little something that's no fun to deal with but happens to the best of us – ringworm. Now, before you go thinking this has anything to do with actual worms, let's make it clear… ringworm isn't caused by worms at all. It's actually a common fungal infection that can affect the skin, scalp, or nails, leaving behind unwelcomed, telltale red, circular rashes.

In this article, we're going to break down everything you need to know about ringworm, from what it is and how it spreads to the best ways to treat and prevent it.

What is ringworm?

Ringworm is a skin infection caused by a fungus that can lead to red, circular rashes on the skin.

How is ringworm spread?

Ringworm can be spread through direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected person or animal, or by coming into contact with contaminated surfaces or objects.

What are the signs and symptoms of ringworm?

The most common sign of ringworm is a circular rash that's often raised and red. It may be itchy and scaly and can appear anywhere on the body.

Is ringworm contagious?

Yes, ringworm is highly contagious. It can spread from person to person or from animal to person.

How is ringworm diagnosed?

Ringworm is diagnosed by a healthcare professional who will examine the skin and may take a sample of skin cells or a scraping to confirm the presence of the fungus.

What is the treatment for ringworm?

Ringworm can be treated with antifungal medications, which may be applied topically or taken orally. Pharmacies in Wales offer advice and treatment for ringworm as a handy alternative to your GP if you can’t get an appointment.

Can ringworm be prevented?

To prevent ringworm, it's important to maintain good hygiene practices, avoid sharing personal items, and keep pets clean and free of infection.

Does ringworm recur?

Yes, ringworm can recur, especially if proper hygiene practices are not followed or if there are underlying medical conditions that contribute to fungal infections.

Are there any home remedies for ringworm?

While there are no specific home remedies for ringworm, there are some natural remedies that may help reduce symptoms such as itchiness or redness. These include tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, or aloe vera gel.

When should I see a healthcare professional for ringworm?

If you suspect that you have ringworm or if your symptoms persist despite treatment at home, it's important to seek medical attention. A healthcare professional can help confirm the diagnosis and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan for your individual case.