Teething… A Simple Guide

As if you don’t have enough on your plate, one of the first hurdles that every parent has to face is teething. Teething can turn even the most serene baby into a drooling, irritable bundle of tears, and who can blame them? Teething isn’t the most comfortable of experiences! So, understandably, as a parent, you want the process to be as smooth and pain-free as possible, for both of your sakes. In this article, we'll dive into the world of teething and arm you with some savvy strategies to help ease your little one’s discomfort.

At what age do babies start teething?

Babies typically start teething around six months, but it can vary. Some start as early as three months, while others might not get their pearly whites until they're closer to a year old. It's a unique journey for each little one!

What are the common signs of teething?

The telltale signs of teething might include increased drooling, fussiness, swollen gums, and a strong urge to gnaw on anything in sight.

How can I help soothe my baby's teething pain?

There are a few options when it comes to ways to soothe your baby’s teething problems, such as gentle gum massages, chilled teething toys, and even a clean, cool washcloth for them to gnaw on to bring some sweet relief.

Are there any home remedies for teething pain?

A common home remedy for relief that you can try is using a cold, wet washcloth (just pop it in the fridge, not the freezer), or offering a teething biscuit for them to gnaw on. Just make sure it's age-appropriate and supervised.

What can I do if my baby is having trouble sleeping due to teething pain?

Teething can turn nighttime into a bit of a nightmare, but fear not! You can try giving them a cuddle, playing some soothing music, or adjusting their bedtime routine to provide extra comfort.

Can teething cause a fever?

Teething can cause a slight rise in body temperature, but if your little one has a fever over 38°C, it's best to give your paediatrician a ring just to rule out any other causes.

When should I start brushing my baby's teeth?

As soon as those first little teeth pop up, you can start gently brushing them with a baby toothbrush and a smear of fluoride toothpaste. It's never too early to start those good dental habits!

Is it normal for my baby to have diarrhoea while teething?

Teething can be a sneaky one! While those little teeth are on the move, some babies may experience looser stools, but it's usually temporary. If it persists, always good to check in with your pharmacist or paediatrician.

Can teething cause ear pain for babies?

The same nerves that lead to the gums are connected to the ears, so it's not uncommon for teething to cause some ear discomfort. You can learn more about the link between teeth and each pains in our earache article.

Are there any teething remedies I should avoid?

Steer clear of teething gels containing benzocaine, as it can be harmful if not used as directed. Also, be cautious with frozen items, as they could be too harsh on those delicate gums. If you need professional advice, visit your local pharmacy for first-class advice. Plus, pharmacies in Wales also offer access to tailored treatment as a handy alternative if you can’t reach your GP!